Regular dental checkups are the cornerstone of good dental care. That's why we at Eagle Gate Dental in Salt Lake City are committed to comprehensive dental treatments, including the latest in cosmetic and restorative dentistry treatments to enhance overall dental health and wellness.


Some patients are unsure about what to expect during a regular dental exam. Let's take a few moments right now to go over the basics of routine checkups so you understand why they are so important.

Taking X-Rays and Advanced Diagnostics

Taking x-rays is a common part of all dental visits. This will help our team get a better look at the internal structures of your teeth as well as the function off your jawbone and jaw joint. This information will wind up in your dental record so that it can be compared to other x-rays down the road and aid in providing optimal care.

Professional Dental Cleanings

Another common part of dental exams is the professional cleaning. This involves the use of an electric toothbrush to polish the teeth as well as a full flossing. Your dentist and dental hygienist will be able to access all of the hard-to-reach places of your mouth. In addition, scraping tools will be used to remove built-up plaque and tartar.

Checking Teeth and Gums Closely

Once your teeth are cleaned, your dentist will then do a careful exam of your individual teeth and your gums. This will help check for stains, discoloration, chips and cracks as well as any issues with the gums and other soft tissues of your mouth (e.g., sores, lesions, recession of the gumline).

Discussing Dental Heath Concerns

Your visit with a dentist is an ideal time to discuss any matters of concerns when it comes to your dental health. This includes anything that wouldn't be apparent from the x-rays or the close look at the teeth and gums. If you suffer from dry mouth, chronic bad breath, clicking or locking of the jaw, or any other matters, bring them up with your dentist. This might help you have serious dental health issues addressed before they become more serious problems.

Making Plans for Future Treatment Needs

If you require an additional dental treatment in the future, such as orthodontic care or a tooth extraction, this will be planned and scheduled during your exam. This provides a chance to go over the basics of the procedure as well as any risks and benefits associated with treatment. Proper planning and prep will make for a better treatment experience overall.

Providing Tips to Improve Your Dental Health

In addition to all of the above, your dentist will provide you with tips to improve your dental health or maintain it between visits. This can mean all the difference between a dental visit in six months and a bright and shiny smile.

Schedule a Visit to Our Practice

For more information about regular dental exams and how our team can help you have a smile that looks its very best, be sure to contact our cosmetic and restorative dental care center today. The entire team here at Eagle Gate Dental looks forward to your visit and helping you achieve total dental wellness through comprehensive care.