How Flossing Can Help With Periodontal Disease

According to dental health experts, a person should brush teeth and floss at least two times a day. Unfortunately, most people perceive flossing as an annoying and unnecessary chore and stop at only brushing. Some say flossing makes cleaning their mouth seem like a neverending chore.

But, flossing is an essential preventative measure. It helps pull out food particles and plaque stuck between your teeth and your gumline. It may seem like a lot of work at first, but it becomes easier and a part of your daily routine if you do it enough times.

What Is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease is a severe infection of the gums that damages the soft tissues. It is caused by poor dental hygiene that allows plaque to build around the teeth and gums. Plaque is a sticky substance made up of food particles, mucus, and bacteria. If you only brush, you remove plaque from just three of the five surfaces of a tooth. But, if you brush and floss, you cover the entire surface of the tooth. If plaque builds up, it causes tooth decay, swollen gums, cavities, and periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease produces severe symptoms. Your gums become sore, painful, and bleed easily. You may also see pus forming between your gums and teeth and have bad breath that doesn’t go away with brushing. When advanced, the disease may also cause chewing problems and loosen your teeth. Some people lose their teeth. You can avoid them all with just daily flossing.

How Flossing Prevents Periodontal Disease

If you brush your teeth twice a day, flossing is the vehicle to get you to the “completely clean mouth” destination. It takes away any remaining plaque that your brush could not reach. Experts estimate that flossing takes out about 40 percent of plaque from your teeth. Without the plaque, you keep off periodontal disease.

Also, flossing polishes up the surface of the teeth, causing them to appear brighter and shinier. You end up with a healthier mouth and teeth that are more striking.

Flossing is also good for the general health of your mouth. It gives you the opportunity to examine your entire mouth thoroughly. Look for any redness or swelling. Check the gums, teeth, and tongue. If something appears unusual, seek dental care services.

Flossing Is for Everyone

All people, including children, should floss. From ages 5-7, a child can learn how to run the dental floss between the teeth. Some children may be less enthusiastic about flossing, but with practice, they grow to love it.

If you have difficulty lifting your hands to floss, possibly due to joint pain, you can try an electric flosser. It is an easy-to-use device, and it reaches even to the back teeth. The electric flosser is safe. It applies just the right amount of pressure without hurting your gums.

Besides brushing and flossing daily, you should schedule at least two dental cleanings every year. The cleanings are meant to take out any plaque that brushing and flossing may have missed. These practices help to ensure that you enjoy dental health all around.

For regular dental cleanings and other dental care services, visit Eagle Gate Dental in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Find out more about preventing periodontal disease, contact Eagle Gate Dental in Salt Lake City, UT at (801) 781-5300 to book an appointment.