Salt Lake City Cosmetic Dentist
Eagle Gate Dental Blog
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Dentists treat a toothache based on what is causing it. A minor toothache can result from a fleeting gum irritation that you can treat at home.
July 20, 2022

Tooth loss is a common problem that affects almost 70 percent of adults above 35 years.
June 08, 2022

Dentists have been using dental sealants to prevent cavities in people for years.
May 16, 2022

If you are looking for a way to straighten your teeth without people noticing, clear aligners could be your best option.
April 14, 2022

March is Oral Health Month! The month is for everybody to celebrate the value of a healthy mouth and learn why it is important to tell people about good oral hygiene.
March 02, 2022

The year is still relatively new, giving you ample time to make some resolutions.
February 26, 2022

Going for regular dental exams helps keep your teeth and gums healthy.
February 02, 2022

The holiday season is just around the corner, and with all your focus on spending time and having fun with loved ones.
December 23, 2021

Veneers are a dental procedure involving thin, white coverings over your teeth.
November 16, 2021

Two to five percent of people get dry sockets after wisdom teeth removal. Dry sockets can cause a lot of pain and discomfort.
September 29, 2012